A new scenario for cloud disaster recovery
Best Practice
The Cloud-Native Disaster Recovery Journey from Tencent Cloud to Huawei Cloud for a Full-Stack Insurance Services System
Highly Automated
Resource Group DR

Project Overview

Founded in 2018, a certain insurance company has been dedicated to building a social security system that caters to the needs of the new urbanization. They are committed to technological advancement, professional support, resource integration and brand services, achieving a balanced development of commercial and policy-based operations. Their continuous focus on enhancing both corporate and societal values is evident.

In order to better serve customers throughout their entire life cycle, the company embarked on a dynamic path toward intelligent and technological development in the insurance industry. Leveraging Tencent Cloud's cloud-native infrastructure, they established a comprehensive suite of business systems.

As business efficiency improved, the company recognized the urgent need to enhance data security and business continuity in the cloud environment. They required a cloud-based solution to ensure complete disaster recovery for the business services hosted on Tencent Cloud, without disrupting ongoing operations.

Customer Pain Points 

1. Robust Cloud-Native Features

The entire suite of business systems is built on Tencent Cloud's cloud-native platform, making traditional disaster recovery methods inapplicable.

2. Complex Interdependencies Between Systems

The systems requiring disaster recovery encompass, but are not limited to, Tencent Cloud native services, PaaS services, FTP services and more. These systems are tightly interconnected, necessitating disaster recovery for all of them. Furthermore, it's crucial to adapt APIs for functionalities like video, mobile and payments to ensure the seamless operation of the disaster recovery systems.

3. Extensive Disaster Recovery Requirements, Diverse System Types

With as many as 300 host machines needing disaster recovery and a substantial volume of data, traditional backup and disaster recovery methods prove time-consuming and costly. The cost of establishing a disaster recovery system far surpasses that of the production system, leading to a suboptimal cost-effectiveness ratio.


01. Seamless Integration of Tencent Cloud and Huawei Cloud with Bidirectional API Adaptation

HyperBDR® offers deep integration with both Huawei Cloud and Tencent Cloud platforms, enabling highly automated disaster recovery solutions. Leveraging the elasticity of public clouds, this approach creates a more robust disaster recovery plan.

02. Achieving Fully Automated Cloud Disaster Recovery, Eliminating Tedious Technical Configurations

Our approach relies on automated design and standardized interface protocols, harnessing the multi-region availability of cloud platforms for cross-cloud disaster recovery. This ensures data mobility. We provide a comprehensive backup solution for "System + Application + Data," eliminating the need for OS reinstallation, data reconstruction, and concerns about architectural compatibility.

03. One-Click Business Resource Group Orchestration for Improved System Recovery Efficiency

Through cloud-native orchestration capabilities, we facilitate the overall recovery of business resource groups. The integration of cloud and business resource orchestration significantly enhances system availability after disaster recovery takeover.

Customer Outcomes

HyperBDR® introduces a highly automated, cloud-native backup and disaster recovery solution. We innovate backup and disaster recovery scenarios from cloud to cloud, ensuring the continuous operation of an enterprise's full-stack online insurance service system, migrating the workloads from Tencent Cloud to Huawei Cloud, and enhancing the enterprise's competitive advantage in service quality.

1. Embracing Cloud-Native Technology for Cost-Effective Cloud Disaster Recovery

Our innovative cloud-native backup and disaster recovery approach offers a cost-effective solution for migrating data from one cloud to another, achieving up to 60% cost savings.

2. Efficient Deployment with One-Click Orchestration

HyperBDR® cloud disaster recovery tools facilitate the swift migration of 300 host machines and 55 terabytes of data to Huawei Cloud. This not only reduces costs but also ensures the sustainable and stable development of group-wide operations.

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